“Flower Poems” celebrate the people and ideologies that are often maligned and misrepresented. This collection of poetry lifts up those that have been cast aside by society and each piece mentions flowers directly within the text. In that way, the collection’s title has a double meaning which seeks empathy for others–the human connection behind the concepts that divide us all too often.
The poem encapsulated within each piece is a unique American sonnet. A less-regimented, modern take on one of poetry’s most famous forms–Shakespeare’s sonnets are among the most celebrated poems on the planet. The sonnet is coming back into favor as a way to convey the often inexpressible in only fourteen lines. Recently, Diane Seuss’s “Frank: Sonnets” won a Pulitzer Prize, and Terrance Hayes’s American sonnets are casting brilliant light on this historic form in the modern era. Every poem in “Flower Poems” is meticulously crafted and the words are revisited for a significant amount of time. With sonnets, as well as other shorter forms, it is particularly important that every single world serves an immediate function of furthering the emotional impact of the art.
The photography behind the words of each NFT within “Flower Poems” is a distilled picture–a backdrop that enhances the glow of the poetry. The photographs of nature (captured by the poet) are edited to become the textural tone of each token. The shades of black and white highlight the shapes within each piece, blurring the literal interpretation most often thought of with photography. Creating a poem with a picture as the background, where the words become the primary image, showcases the written poem as the work of art. The text becomes the color for our minds to paint on an otherwise black-and-white image.
Poetry may be the most intimate form of art, because reading a poem aloud is to take another’s breath upon your own. As such, “Flower Poems” include KHD’s accompanying audio narration with the text of the poem fully visible simultaneously. To most deeply connect with each piece, it is recommended to also mute the audio and speak the words out loud yourself, in order to hear the poem in your own voice. To do so is to embody poetry itself, wherein you become the art.